SOLD Archive Area -- WWII German Cloth Insignia patches breast sleeve eagles arm bands rates ranks

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WWII German Cloth Insignia patches breast sleeve eagles arm bands rates ranksPayPal
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WWII German NSDAP Political Armband
WWII German NSDAP Political Armband
Kriegsmarine Dive Specialist Sleeve Rate
Kriegsmarine Dive Specialist Sleeve Rate
WWII Coastal Artillery Shoulder Board Obermaat
WWII Coastal Artillery Shoulder Board Obermaat
WWII German Heer Army Breast Eagle Cut From Tunic
WWII German Heer Army Breast Eagle Cut From Tunic
German Shoulder Board 60th Artillery Observation
German Shoulder Board 60th Artillery Observation
WWII German Shoulder Board 1st Rifle Regiment
WWII German Shoulder Board 1st Rifle Regiment
WWII German Shoulder Boards 59th Machine Gun Batt
WWII German Shoulder Boards 59th Machine Gun Batt
WWII German Shoulder Board 100th Gebirgsjager Reg
WWII German Shoulder Board 100th Gebirgsjager Reg
WWII German Kreta Crete Cuff Title
WWII German Kreta Crete Cuff Title
German Non-Members of the Armed Forces Armband
German Non-Members of the Armed Forces Armband
WWII Luftwaffe Flying Personnel Badge
WWII Luftwaffe Flying Personnel Badge
WWII German Paratrooper Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Paratrooper Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Bevo Breast Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Bevo Breast Eagle
WWII German Red Cross Medic Armband
WWII German Red Cross Medic Armband
Luftwaffe Officer Bullion Droop Tail Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Officer Bullion Droop Tail Breast Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII LW Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII LW Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII German SA Political Armband
WWII German SA Political Armband
Luftwaffe Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII Gendarmerie Police Shoulder Boards Pair
WWII Gendarmerie Police Shoulder Boards Pair
German Non-Members of the Armed Forces Armband
German Non-Members of the Armed Forces Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
German SA Sports Armband
German SA Sports Armband
WWII German Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
HJ Hitler Youth Member Cloth Diamond
HJ Hitler Youth Member Cloth Diamond
WWII Tropical German Heer Gefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII Tropical German Heer Gefreiter Rank Insignia
HJ Hitler Youth Sleeve Diamond w/ RZM Tag
HJ Hitler Youth Sleeve Diamond w/ RZM Tag
Afrika Korps Award Cuff Title Band
Afrika Korps Award Cuff Title Band
German Officer Bullion Breast Eagle Lot of 7
German Officer Bullion Breast Eagle Lot of 7
WWII Kriegsmarine Faux Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Faux Bullion Breast Eagle
Shoulder Boards 16th Infantry Stabsfeldwebel Pair
Shoulder Boards 16th Infantry Stabsfeldwebel Pair
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband w/ RZM Tag
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband w/ RZM Tag
NSDAP SA Political Edelweiss
NSDAP SA Political Edelweiss
WWII German LW Luftwaffe Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII German LW Luftwaffe Bullion Breast Eagle
SA Collar Tab 11th Sturm 25th Standarte
SA Collar Tab 11th Sturm 25th Standarte
WWII German Bevo Police Sleeve Eagle
WWII German Bevo Police Sleeve Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
German Gendarmerie Rural Police NCO Police Eagle
German Gendarmerie Rural Police NCO Police Eagle
WWII Luftwaffe Cloth Cap Eagle
WWII Luftwaffe Cloth Cap Eagle
German Heer Army Breast Eagle
German Heer Army Breast Eagle
WWII German Shoulder Board Button 23rd Company
WWII German Shoulder Board Button 23rd Company
WWII NSKK Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII NSKK Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII Panzer Breast Eagle
WWII Panzer Breast Eagle
Hitler Youth Marine Bann 673 HJ Shoulder Board
Hitler Youth Marine Bann 673 HJ Shoulder Board
WWII German Jager Troops Collar Tabs Pair
WWII German Jager Troops Collar Tabs Pair
Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
Oberwachtmeister Shoulder Board Water Police Pair
Oberwachtmeister Shoulder Board Water Police Pair
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII KM Kriegsmarine Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII KM Kriegsmarine Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII German RAD Sports Shirt Insignia Patch
WWII German RAD Sports Shirt Insignia Patch
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Heer Gefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Heer Gefreiter Rank Insignia
Kriegsmarine Marineartillerieabteilung Cap Talley
Kriegsmarine Marineartillerieabteilung Cap Talley
Kriegsmarine Torpedoboot Mowe Cap Talley
Kriegsmarine Torpedoboot Mowe Cap Talley
German Naval Veterans Insignia Patch
German Naval Veterans Insignia Patch
WWII German Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband Cut Out Fragment **
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband Cut Out Fragment **
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine White Jumper Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine White Jumper Breast Eagle
German Army Gefreiter Rank Chevron Drill Tunic
German Army Gefreiter Rank Chevron Drill Tunic
WWII German SS Sleeve Eagle Cut Off
WWII German SS Sleeve Eagle Cut Off
German Railway Reichsbahn Official's Collar Tab
German Railway Reichsbahn Official's Collar Tab
Luftwaffe Trade Badge Patch Armorer Flak Artillery
Luftwaffe Trade Badge Patch Armorer Flak Artillery
HJ West Koln Aachen District Sleeve Triangle
HJ West Koln Aachen District Sleeve Triangle
German Shoulder Board Slides 12th Reconnaissance
German Shoulder Board Slides 12th Reconnaissance
WWII German Veteran Breast Eagle Badge
WWII German Veteran Breast Eagle Badge
WWII German Oberschutze Rank Patch
WWII German Oberschutze Rank Patch
WWII German Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII German Auxiliary Stretcher Bearers Armband
WWII German Auxiliary Stretcher Bearers Armband
WWII German Political Armband Bevo
WWII German Political Armband Bevo
WWII German Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII German Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Fire Police Werkfeuerwehr Patch
WWII German Fire Police Werkfeuerwehr Patch
WWII German WH Breast Eagle
WWII German WH Breast Eagle
WWII German Coastal Artillery Breast Eagle
WWII German Coastal Artillery Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Army M44 Breast Eagle
WWII German Army M44 Breast Eagle
German Zollgrenzschutz Land Customs Cuff Title
German Zollgrenzschutz Land Customs Cuff Title
WWII German SA Political Armband
WWII German SA Political Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
Hermann Goring Division Bevo Breast Eagle
Hermann Goring Division Bevo Breast Eagle
WWII German General Heer Army Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII German General Heer Army Bullion Breast Eagle
Bann 388 HJ Shoulder Board Hitler Youth
Bann 388 HJ Shoulder Board Hitler Youth
Luftwaffe Flak Artillery Shoulder Boards Pair
Luftwaffe Flak Artillery Shoulder Boards Pair
WWII German Infantry Shoulder Board
WWII German Infantry Shoulder Board
WWII Jager Shoulder Board 15th Regiment
WWII Jager Shoulder Board 15th Regiment
HJ Hitler Youth Sleeve Diamond
HJ Hitler Youth Sleeve Diamond
Waffen SS Collar Tab Handschar Gebirgs Division
Waffen SS Collar Tab Handschar Gebirgs Division
WWII German NSDAP Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII German NSDAP Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII German Coastal Artillery Breast Eagle
WWII German Coastal Artillery Breast Eagle
WWII German Army M44 Breast Eagle
WWII German Army M44 Breast Eagle
Waffen SS Croatian Volunteer Sleeve Shield Patch
Waffen SS Croatian Volunteer Sleeve Shield Patch
Luftwaffe Flak 28th Regiment Shoulder Boards
Luftwaffe Flak 28th Regiment Shoulder Boards
WWII DAF Document for Volkswagen Purchase
WWII DAF Document for Volkswagen Purchase
Waffen SS Danish Volunteer Sleeve Shield Insignia
Waffen SS Danish Volunteer Sleeve Shield Insignia
German Officer Shoulder Boards 116th
German Officer Shoulder Boards 116th
Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery Rank Obergefreiter
Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery Rank Obergefreiter
Kriegsmarine Rank Chevron Obergefreiter
Kriegsmarine Rank Chevron Obergefreiter
WWII Coastal Artillery Shoulder Board Obermaat
WWII Coastal Artillery Shoulder Board Obermaat
WWII Coastal Artillery Engine Sleeve Rate Bullion
WWII Coastal Artillery Engine Sleeve Rate Bullion
WWII German Shoulder Board  Cyphers 8
WWII German Shoulder Board Cyphers 8
WWII German Shoulder Board Cyphers Pips
WWII German Shoulder Board Cyphers Pips
Luftwaffe NCO Flight Shoulder Boards Feldwebel
Luftwaffe NCO Flight Shoulder Boards Feldwebel
WWII German Signal Infantry Personnel Trade Badge
WWII German Signal Infantry Personnel Trade Badge
WWII German Luftwaffe Metal Breast Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Metal Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII German Government in France Document Seal
WWII German Government in France Document Seal
WWII Medical Major Shoulder Board Pair
WWII Medical Major Shoulder Board Pair
WWII 22nd Pioneer Reserve Captain Shoulder Board
WWII 22nd Pioneer Reserve Captain Shoulder Board
Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle Tropical Bevo
Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle Tropical Bevo
German Swastika Ribbon
German Swastika Ribbon
German Cavalry Officer Collar Tabs
German Cavalry Officer Collar Tabs
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII German NSDAP Political Armband Cuff Title
WWII German NSDAP Political Armband Cuff Title
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Heer Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Heer Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
German Reserve Infantry Shoulder Boards Captain
German Reserve Infantry Shoulder Boards Captain
WWII Luftwaffe Signals Trade Badge
WWII Luftwaffe Signals Trade Badge
Hitler Youth HJ Diamond Reproduction
Hitler Youth HJ Diamond Reproduction
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Medical NCO Sleeve Trade Badge
WWII German Medical NCO Sleeve Trade Badge
WWII German SS Edelweiss Sleeve Patch
WWII German SS Edelweiss Sleeve Patch
WWII German SS Edelweiss Cap Patch
WWII German SS Edelweiss Cap Patch
WWII Patch Early German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch Early German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Army Medical NCO Shoulder Board
WWII German Army Medical NCO Shoulder Board
WWII WH Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII WH Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII German NSKK Cap Eagle
WWII German NSKK Cap Eagle
WWII WH Edelweiss Patch
WWII WH Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Customs Service Collar Tab
WWII German Customs Service Collar Tab
WWII German Infantry NCO Shoulder Board
WWII German Infantry NCO Shoulder Board
Luftwaffe Flak Range Finder Trade Badge
Luftwaffe Flak Range Finder Trade Badge
German Deutsche Wehrmacht Armband
German Deutsche Wehrmacht Armband
WWII German DDAC Automobile Club Insignia Patch
WWII German DDAC Automobile Club Insignia Patch
German Volksstrurm Wehrmacht Armband
German Volksstrurm Wehrmacht Armband
WWII German SA Political Armband
WWII German SA Political Armband
WWII Kriegsmarine Torpedo Mechanic NCO Sleeve Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Torpedo Mechanic NCO Sleeve Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Torpedo Mechanic Sleeve Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Torpedo Mechanic Sleeve Rate
WWII Heer Army Infantry Signals Sleeve Rate
WWII Heer Army Infantry Signals Sleeve Rate
WWII German Factory Protection Police Cap Eagle
WWII German Factory Protection Police Cap Eagle
NSKK Sleeve Eagle
NSKK Sleeve Eagle
Pioneer 86 Batt Oberleutnant Shoulder Boards Pair
Pioneer 86 Batt Oberleutnant Shoulder Boards Pair
WWII German Coastal Artillery Cap Eagle Insignia
WWII German Coastal Artillery Cap Eagle Insignia
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII German RAD Sports Shirt Insignia Patch
WWII German RAD Sports Shirt Insignia Patch
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
DRKB Veterans Sleeve Shield
DRKB Veterans Sleeve Shield
WWII German Heer Cavalry Collar Tab
WWII German Heer Cavalry Collar Tab
WWII German Heer Cavalry Collar Tab
WWII German Heer Cavalry Collar Tab
German Heer Army Breast Eagle
German Heer Army Breast Eagle
WWII German Oberschutze Rank Patch
WWII German Oberschutze Rank Patch
WWII German Shoulder Board Pip
WWII German Shoulder Board Pip
WWII German Shoulder Board Slide 159th Recon
WWII German Shoulder Board Slide 159th Recon
WWII German Army Artillery Musician Swallows Nest
WWII German Army Artillery Musician Swallows Nest
German Fire Police Eagle Stanzach
German Fire Police Eagle Stanzach
German Fire Police Eagle Schoden
German Fire Police Eagle Schoden
WWII German Infantry Officer Collar Tab
WWII German Infantry Officer Collar Tab
Gemeinden Meister Shoulder Board
Gemeinden Meister Shoulder Board
Gendarmerie Police Shoulder Boards Wachtmeister
Gendarmerie Police Shoulder Boards Wachtmeister
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII NSDAP Political Armband Swastika Center
WWII NSDAP Political Armband Swastika Center
WWII German Army Flat Wire Khaki Breast Eagle
WWII German Army Flat Wire Khaki Breast Eagle
WWII German Heer Army Breast Eagle Tunic Removed
WWII German Heer Army Breast Eagle Tunic Removed
WWII LW Luftwaffe Flight Suit Oberleutnant Rank
WWII LW Luftwaffe Flight Suit Oberleutnant Rank
WWII KM Kriegsmarine Rank Hauptgefreiter
WWII KM Kriegsmarine Rank Hauptgefreiter
WWII Luftwaffe Cloth Cap Eagle
WWII Luftwaffe Cloth Cap Eagle
Luftwaffe Hermann Goring Division Cap Eagle
Luftwaffe Hermann Goring Division Cap Eagle
Schutzpolizei National Protection Police Eagle
Schutzpolizei National Protection Police Eagle
Schutzpolizei National Protection Police Eagle
Schutzpolizei National Protection Police Eagle
WWII German Fire Police Sleeve Eagle
WWII German Fire Police Sleeve Eagle
WWII German Fire Police Sleeve Eagle
WWII German Fire Police Sleeve Eagle
WWII German SHD Security Service Collar Tab
WWII German SHD Security Service Collar Tab
WWII German Panzer EM NCO Collar Tab
WWII German Panzer EM NCO Collar Tab
Luftwaffe Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Officer Bullion Droop Tail Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Officer Bullion Droop Tail Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII German SS Sleeve Eagle
WWII German SS Sleeve Eagle
German Infantry Officers Shoulder Board Captain
German Infantry Officers Shoulder Board Captain
German Artillery Officers Shoulder Boards Captain
German Artillery Officers Shoulder Boards Captain
German RAD Shoulder Board Obertruppfuhrer
German RAD Shoulder Board Obertruppfuhrer
SS Artillery Obersturmführer Shoulder Board
SS Artillery Obersturmführer Shoulder Board
WWII German Panzer Wrap NCO Shoulder Board
WWII German Panzer Wrap NCO Shoulder Board
WWII German Luftwaffe Major Flight Collar Tab
WWII German Luftwaffe Major Flight Collar Tab
WWII German Pioneer Officer Collar Tab Pair
WWII German Pioneer Officer Collar Tab Pair
WWII German Panzer Officer Collar Tab Pair
WWII German Panzer Officer Collar Tab Pair
WWII German SS NCO Runic Collar Tab Tunic Removed
WWII German SS NCO Runic Collar Tab Tunic Removed
WWII German Panzer Flat Wire Breast Eagle
WWII German Panzer Flat Wire Breast Eagle
WWII German Political Armband Bevo
WWII German Political Armband Bevo
Hermann Goering HG Luftwaffe Major Collar Tabs
Hermann Goering HG Luftwaffe Major Collar Tabs
WWII German Waffen SS Cavalry Shoulder Boards Mint
WWII German Waffen SS Cavalry Shoulder Boards Mint
WWII German Luftwaffe Hauptmann Flight Collar Tab
WWII German Luftwaffe Hauptmann Flight Collar Tab
WWII German Luftwaffe Generalmajor Collar Tab
WWII German Luftwaffe Generalmajor Collar Tab
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII German SS Panzer M43 Cap Trapezoid Insignia
WWII German SS Panzer M43 Cap Trapezoid Insignia
WWII German SS Tropical Sleeve Eagle Cut Off
WWII German SS Tropical Sleeve Eagle Cut Off
WWII German General Heer Army Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII German General Heer Army Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII German General Luftwaffe Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII German General Luftwaffe Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII German Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII German Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII era German Teaching Aid Numbers Chart
WWII era German Teaching Aid Numbers Chart
WWII German NS-RKB Veterans Armband
WWII German NS-RKB Veterans Armband
German Fire Police Eagle Günthersbühl
German Fire Police Eagle Günthersbühl
German Fire Police Eagle Werhfeuerwehr
German Fire Police Eagle Werhfeuerwehr
WWII WH Edelweiss Patch
WWII WH Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband Bevo
WWII German Political Armband Bevo
WWII era German NSDAP Sports Shirt Emblem
WWII era German NSDAP Sports Shirt Emblem
Medical Waffen Rock Dress Cuff Facings
Medical Waffen Rock Dress Cuff Facings
SA Political Armband Reproduction
SA Political Armband Reproduction
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
NSDAP Identification Cufftitle Partei Bereitschaft
NSDAP Identification Cufftitle Partei Bereitschaft
WWII German Luftwaffe Collar Tab Gull
WWII German Luftwaffe Collar Tab Gull
WWII German Oberschutze Rank Patch
WWII German Oberschutze Rank Patch
WWII German Luftwaffe Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Luftwaffe Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII Luftwaffe Flight Collar Tab Gefreiter
WWII Luftwaffe Flight Collar Tab Gefreiter
WWII German Shoulder Board Pips Pair
WWII German Shoulder Board Pips Pair
WWII German Shoulder Board Pips Pair
WWII German Shoulder Board Pips Pair
WWII German Panzer Collar Tab Skull
WWII German Panzer Collar Tab Skull
SA EM Foot Soldier Shoulder Board
SA EM Foot Soldier Shoulder Board
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Edelweiss Patch Error
WWII German Edelweiss Patch Error
WWII German Heer Cavalry Shoulder Board Captain
WWII German Heer Cavalry Shoulder Board Captain
WWII Feldwebel Luftwaffe Flight Shoulder Board
WWII Feldwebel Luftwaffe Flight Shoulder Board
WWII German SS Edelweiss Patch
WWII German SS Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
Luftwaffe Flak Helpers Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Flak Helpers Breast Eagle
WWII German Collar Litzen Tunic Removed
WWII German Collar Litzen Tunic Removed
WWII German Jager Mountain Troops Shoulder Boards
WWII German Jager Mountain Troops Shoulder Boards
WWII German Panzer Shoulder Board Lieutenant
WWII German Panzer Shoulder Board Lieutenant
WWII Luftwaffe NCO Flight Shoulder Board
WWII Luftwaffe NCO Flight Shoulder Board
WWII RFV Customs Zollassistent Shoulder Board
WWII RFV Customs Zollassistent Shoulder Board
WWII German Cavalry Shoulder Board Lieutenant
WWII German Cavalry Shoulder Board Lieutenant
WWII Panzer Breast Eagle
WWII Panzer Breast Eagle
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
German Deutsche Wehrmacht Armband
German Deutsche Wehrmacht Armband
WWII German Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Edelweiss Patch
WWII Heer Panzer Feldwebel Shoulder Board
WWII Heer Panzer Feldwebel Shoulder Board
German Heer Army Breast Eagle
German Heer Army Breast Eagle
WWII Panzer Grenadier Shoulder Straps
WWII Panzer Grenadier Shoulder Straps
Luftwaffe Flight Oberst Collar Tabs
Luftwaffe Flight Oberst Collar Tabs
German Reichsbahn Armband
German Reichsbahn Armband
German Reichsbahn Official’s Collar Tab
German Reichsbahn Official’s Collar Tab
RBD Nürnberg Reichsbahn Sleeve Eagle
RBD Nürnberg Reichsbahn Sleeve Eagle
RBD Regensburg Reichsbahn Sleeve Eagle
RBD Regensburg Reichsbahn Sleeve Eagle
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
German Reichsbahn Official’s Collar Tabs Pair
German Reichsbahn Official’s Collar Tabs Pair
German Reichsbahn Official’s Collar Tabs Pair
German Reichsbahn Official’s Collar Tabs Pair
German Railway Reichsbahn Pay Official Collar Tab
German Railway Reichsbahn Pay Official Collar Tab
German Reichsbahn Collar Tab Cypher Pair
German Reichsbahn Collar Tab Cypher Pair
Reichsbahn Collar Tab Set
Reichsbahn Collar Tab Set
German Railway Reichsbahn Official's Collar Tab
German Railway Reichsbahn Official's Collar Tab
German Railway Reichsbahn Official's Collar Tab
German Railway Reichsbahn Official's Collar Tab
German Reichsbahn Official’s Shoulder Boards
German Reichsbahn Official’s Shoulder Boards
German Reichsbahn Official’s Shoulder Boards
German Reichsbahn Official’s Shoulder Boards
German Reichsbahn Official’s Shoulder Boards
German Reichsbahn Official’s Shoulder Boards
German Reichsbahn Official’s Shoulder Boards
German Reichsbahn Official’s Shoulder Boards
WWII German Army Flat Wire Breast Eagle
WWII German Army Flat Wire Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Patch Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII NSDAP Identification Cufftitle
WWII NSDAP Identification Cufftitle
German Non-Members of the Armed Forces Armband
German Non-Members of the Armed Forces Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
German Volksstrurm Wehrmacht Armband
German Volksstrurm Wehrmacht Armband
Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII German Der Stahlhelm Armband
WWII German Der Stahlhelm Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Shoulder Board Pips Pair
WWII German Shoulder Board Pips Pair
HJ Hitler Youth Armband Oversized
HJ Hitler Youth Armband Oversized
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German SS Armband
WWII German SS Armband
WWII German Heer Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Heer Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
Luftwaffe Flak Artillery Personnel Badge
Luftwaffe Flak Artillery Personnel Badge
Luftwaffe Flak Artillery Personnel Badge
Luftwaffe Flak Artillery Personnel Badge
Luftwaffe Flak Artillery Personnel Badge
Luftwaffe Flak Artillery Personnel Badge
Luftwaffe Motor Vehicle Drivers Trade Badge
Luftwaffe Motor Vehicle Drivers Trade Badge
Luftwaffe Flak Range Finder Trade Badge
Luftwaffe Flak Range Finder Trade Badge
Police Gendarmerie Shoulder Board Wachtmeister
Police Gendarmerie Shoulder Board Wachtmeister
Luftwaffe Flak Artillery Personnel Badge
Luftwaffe Flak Artillery Personnel Badge
Luftwaffe Luftwaffe Flak Lieutenant Collar Tab
Luftwaffe Luftwaffe Flak Lieutenant Collar Tab
German NSKK Shoulder Board Wine Red Piped
German NSKK Shoulder Board Wine Red Piped
Reichsbahn Paygroup 8 Shoulder Board
Reichsbahn Paygroup 8 Shoulder Board
WWII German Heer Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Heer Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Heer Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Heer Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Heer Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Heer Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Heer Gefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Heer Gefreiter Rank Insignia
DRKB Veterans Sleeve Shield
DRKB Veterans Sleeve Shield
WWII German Luftwaffee G-L Insignia
WWII German Luftwaffee G-L Insignia
Luftwaffe L. Bau Construction Units Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe L. Bau Construction Units Breast Eagle
German NSKK Shoulder Board
German NSKK Shoulder Board
German NSKK Shoulder Board West Falen
German NSKK Shoulder Board West Falen
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Female Flak Helper Insignia
Luftwaffe Female Flak Helper Insignia
German Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
German Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Faux Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Faux Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
NSRL Sports Breast Eagle
NSRL Sports Breast Eagle
NSRL Sports Breast Eagle
NSRL Sports Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Ground Division Lieutenant Collar Tab
Luftwaffe Ground Division Lieutenant Collar Tab
Luftwaffe Flak Collar Tab Oberstleutnant
Luftwaffe Flak Collar Tab Oberstleutnant
Luftwaffe Flak Collar Tab Unterfeldwebel
Luftwaffe Flak Collar Tab Unterfeldwebel
Luftwaffe Flak Shoulder Board Feldwebel
Luftwaffe Flak Shoulder Board Feldwebel
Luftwaffe Signals Collar Tab Oberleutnant
Luftwaffe Signals Collar Tab Oberleutnant
WWII German Shoulder Board Button 4th  Regiment
WWII German Shoulder Board Button 4th Regiment
Luftwaffe Engineer Shoulder Board Unteroffizier
Luftwaffe Engineer Shoulder Board Unteroffizier
WWII German Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Luftwaffe Shoulder Board Buttons
WWII German Luftwaffe Shoulder Board Buttons
WWII Luftwaffe Medical Collar Tab Shoulder Board
WWII Luftwaffe Medical Collar Tab Shoulder Board
WWII Luftwaffe Signals Collar Tab Shoulder Board
WWII Luftwaffe Signals Collar Tab Shoulder Board
WWII German Shoulder Board Buttons 6 or 9
WWII German Shoulder Board Buttons 6 or 9
WWII German Coastal Artillery Cap Insignia
WWII German Coastal Artillery Cap Insignia
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
WWII German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe NCO Flak Shoulder Board Pair
Luftwaffe NCO Flak Shoulder Board Pair
Luftwaffe Motor Vehicle Drivers Trade Badge
Luftwaffe Motor Vehicle Drivers Trade Badge
WWII SS Edelweiss M43 Cap Patch
WWII SS Edelweiss M43 Cap Patch
WWII German Coastal Artillery Breast Eagle
WWII German Coastal Artillery Breast Eagle
German Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
German Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe FITV Technical Flight School Badge
Luftwaffe FITV Technical Flight School Badge
Luftwaffe LG Luft Gau Lehr Geschwader Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe LG Luft Gau Lehr Geschwader Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Flak Helpers Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Flak Helpers Breast Eagle
WWII Luftwaffe NCO Medical Shoulder Board
WWII Luftwaffe NCO Medical Shoulder Board
WWII German SS Sleeve Eagle
WWII German SS Sleeve Eagle
NSKK Sleeve Eagle
NSKK Sleeve Eagle
German Transportation Collar Tabs
German Transportation Collar Tabs
WWII Kriegsmarine Boatswain Sleeve Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Boatswain Sleeve Rate
WWII Panzergrenadier 355th Landwehr Shoulder Board
WWII Panzergrenadier 355th Landwehr Shoulder Board
Afrika Korps NCO Artillery Shoulder Board
Afrika Korps NCO Artillery Shoulder Board
Reichsbahn Collar Tab and Cyphers
Reichsbahn Collar Tab and Cyphers
SS Concentration Camp Shoulder Board
SS Concentration Camp Shoulder Board
Luftwaffe Motor Vehicle Drivers Trade Badge
Luftwaffe Motor Vehicle Drivers Trade Badge
WWII Sleeve Rate Ordnance
WWII Sleeve Rate Ordnance
Sleeve Rate Ordnance Technician Badge
Sleeve Rate Ordnance Technician Badge
German Heer Army Breast Eagle
German Heer Army Breast Eagle
German Army Artillery Signal Trade Badge
German Army Artillery Signal Trade Badge
German Army Artillery Signal Trade Badge
German Army Artillery Signal Trade Badge
German Auxiliary Stretcher Bearer’s Armband
German Auxiliary Stretcher Bearer’s Armband
DJ Deutsche Jugend Sigrune Sleeve Badge
DJ Deutsche Jugend Sigrune Sleeve Badge
German Fire Police Eagle Sankt St. Goar
German Fire Police Eagle Sankt St. Goar
Reserve Panzer Officer School Shoulder Board
Reserve Panzer Officer School Shoulder Board
Luftwaffe Flight Lieutenant Left Collar Tab
Luftwaffe Flight Lieutenant Left Collar Tab
WWII Infantry Feldwebel Shoulder Boards Pair
WWII Infantry Feldwebel Shoulder Boards Pair
German Recruiting Officer Dress Collar Tabs
German Recruiting Officer Dress Collar Tabs
WWII German Sleeve Rate Insignia Lot
WWII German Sleeve Rate Insignia Lot
WWII German Shoulder Board 36th Infantry
WWII German Shoulder Board 36th Infantry
WWII Kriegsmarine Carpenter Sleeve Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Carpenter Sleeve Rate
WWII German Motor Transport Rate
WWII German Motor Transport Rate
WWII SS POA Volunteer Shield
WWII SS POA Volunteer Shield
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
German Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
German Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
Infantry SS Obersturmbannfurhrer Shoulder Board
Infantry SS Obersturmbannfurhrer Shoulder Board
Gendarmerie Police Shoulder Boards
Gendarmerie Police Shoulder Boards
Gendarmerie Police Shoulder Boards Pair
Gendarmerie Police Shoulder Boards Pair
Gendarmerie Police Shoulder Boards
Gendarmerie Police Shoulder Boards
Gendarmerie Police Engineer Shoulder Boards
Gendarmerie Police Engineer Shoulder Boards
WWII NCO Pioneer Shoulder Board
WWII NCO Pioneer Shoulder Board
Luftwaffe NCO Flak Shoulder Board
Luftwaffe NCO Flak Shoulder Board
Luftwaffe NCO Flak Shoulder Board
Luftwaffe NCO Flak Shoulder Board
Artillery Shoulder Board Officer Candidate
Artillery Shoulder Board Officer Candidate
Luftwaffe Flight Lieutenant Right Collar Tab
Luftwaffe Flight Lieutenant Right Collar Tab
Panzer Collar Tabs Pair
Panzer Collar Tabs Pair
Luftwaffe Flak Shoulder Board
Luftwaffe Flak Shoulder Board
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Motor Transport NCO Sleeve Badge
German Motor Transport NCO Sleeve Badge
Ortsgruppe Political Leader Collar Tabs
Ortsgruppe Political Leader Collar Tabs
German Officer Fire Police Collar Tab
German Officer Fire Police Collar Tab
German SA Sports Armband RZM Tagged
German SA Sports Armband RZM Tagged
Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
Reichsbahn Leaders Collar Tab
Reichsbahn Leaders Collar Tab
Reichsbahn Streetcar Driver Collar Tab
Reichsbahn Streetcar Driver Collar Tab
WWII WH Edelweiss Patch
WWII WH Edelweiss Patch
WWII WH Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII WH Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German SA Armband Center
WWII German SA Armband Center
Schutzpolizei National Protection Police Eagle
Schutzpolizei National Protection Police Eagle
German Transportation Officer Collar Tabs
German Transportation Officer Collar Tabs
German Infantry Officer Collar Tabs
German Infantry Officer Collar Tabs
German Medical Officer Collar Tabs
German Medical Officer Collar Tabs
WWII German Infantry NCO Shoulder Boards
WWII German Infantry NCO Shoulder Boards
German Jager Mountain Troops Collar Tabs
German Jager Mountain Troops Collar Tabs
WWII German Der Stahlhelm Armband
WWII German Der Stahlhelm Armband
German Paratrooper Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
German Paratrooper Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
German Auxiliary Stretcher Bearer’s Armband
German Auxiliary Stretcher Bearer’s Armband
German Police Gendarmerie Collar Tabs Pair
German Police Gendarmerie Collar Tabs Pair
German Police Schutzpolizei Shoulder Board
German Police Schutzpolizei Shoulder Board
WWII German Der Stahlhelm Armband
WWII German Der Stahlhelm Armband
German Auxiliary Stretcher Bearer’s Armband
German Auxiliary Stretcher Bearer’s Armband
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
German Artillery Captain Shoulder Board
German Artillery Captain Shoulder Board
Kriegsmarine Tropical Cap Eagle
Kriegsmarine Tropical Cap Eagle
WWII German Shoulder Board Pip
WWII German Shoulder Board Pip
WWII German Shoulder Board Number 1
WWII German Shoulder Board Number 1
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
German Heer Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
German Heer Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
German Forestry Shoulder Boards Pair
German Forestry Shoulder Boards Pair
WWII German SA Political Armband
WWII German SA Political Armband
SS Concentration Camp Shoulder Board
SS Concentration Camp Shoulder Board
German Heer Gefreiter Insignia Patch
German Heer Gefreiter Insignia Patch
WWII German Shoulder Board Pip
WWII German Shoulder Board Pip
WWII German Artillery Shoulder Board NCO
WWII German Artillery Shoulder Board NCO
WWII Heer Enlisted Panzer Shoulder Board
WWII Heer Enlisted Panzer Shoulder Board
Luftwaffe NCO Flight Shoulder Board
Luftwaffe NCO Flight Shoulder Board
WWII German Infantry Shoulder Board NCO
WWII German Infantry Shoulder Board NCO
Luftwaffe Flight Collar Tabs
Luftwaffe Flight Collar Tabs
WWII German Shoulder Board Pip
WWII German Shoulder Board Pip
WWII German Spool of Thread Black
WWII German Spool of Thread Black
SA Collar Tab 5th Sturm 45th Standarte Thüringen
SA Collar Tab 5th Sturm 45th Standarte Thüringen
NSDAP Collar Tab Ortsgruppe Zellenleiter
NSDAP Collar Tab Ortsgruppe Zellenleiter
WWII Kriegsmarine Sleeve Rate Lot
WWII Kriegsmarine Sleeve Rate Lot
WWII Kriegsmarine Boatswain Sleeve Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Boatswain Sleeve Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Machinist Sleeve Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Machinist Sleeve Rate
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
SA Collar Tab 4th Sturm 41st Standarte Südwest
SA Collar Tab 4th Sturm 41st Standarte Südwest
SA Collar Tab 6th Pioneer Hochland
SA Collar Tab 6th Pioneer Hochland
SA Collar Tab Scharführer Ostland Westfalen
SA Collar Tab Scharführer Ostland Westfalen
SA Collar Tab 3rd Sturm 135th Standarte Berlin
SA Collar Tab 3rd Sturm 135th Standarte Berlin
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German SS Armband
WWII German SS Armband
Kriegsmarine Dive Specialist Sleeve Rate
Kriegsmarine Dive Specialist Sleeve Rate
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Helmsmen Sleeve Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Helmsmen Sleeve Rate
Kriegsmarine Stabsgefreiter Rank Patch
Kriegsmarine Stabsgefreiter Rank Patch
Kriegsmarine Torpedo Mechanic Sleeve Rate
Kriegsmarine Torpedo Mechanic Sleeve Rate
Kriegsmarine Replacement Sleeve Rate
Kriegsmarine Replacement Sleeve Rate
Kriegsmarine Weapons Mechanic Sleeve Rate
Kriegsmarine Weapons Mechanic Sleeve Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Signals Sleeve Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Signals Sleeve Rate
Kriegsmarine Small Vessel Gun Chief Rate
Kriegsmarine Small Vessel Gun Chief Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Carpenter Sleeve Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Carpenter Sleeve Rate
Luftwaffe Flight Collar Tabs Leutnant
Luftwaffe Flight Collar Tabs Leutnant
Hermann Goring Division Cap Eagle
Hermann Goring Division Cap Eagle
German Heer Army Breast Eagle
German Heer Army Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
German Army Officer Bullion Breast Eagle
HJ Hitler Youth Sleeve Diamond
HJ Hitler Youth Sleeve Diamond
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
Waffen SS Collar Tab Obersturmführer
Waffen SS Collar Tab Obersturmführer
German Police Shoulder Boards Weimar era
German Police Shoulder Boards Weimar era
WWII Navy USN PO2 Rate Carpenter's Mate
WWII Navy USN PO2 Rate Carpenter's Mate
Luftwaffe Engineers Leutnant Collar Tabs
Luftwaffe Engineers Leutnant Collar Tabs
WWII German Spool of Thread LW Yellow
WWII German Spool of Thread LW Yellow
WWII German Spool of Thread SA Brown
WWII German Spool of Thread SA Brown
WWII German Spool of Thread SA Brown
WWII German Spool of Thread SA Brown
German Luftwaffe Flak Shoulder Board
German Luftwaffe Flak Shoulder Board
SA Collar Tab 12th Sturm 27th Standarte
SA Collar Tab 12th Sturm 27th Standarte
German Fire Police Officer Shoulder Board
German Fire Police Officer Shoulder Board
SA EM Foot Soldier Shoulder Board
SA EM Foot Soldier Shoulder Board
German Officer Medical Collar Tab
German Officer Medical Collar Tab
Medical Administrative Shoulder Board
Medical Administrative Shoulder Board
WWII German Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German SA Political Armband
WWII German SA Political Armband
WWII Reichsbahn Collar Tab Officer
WWII Reichsbahn Collar Tab Officer
Latvian SS Collar Tab Set
Latvian SS Collar Tab Set
NSKK Old Fighter Sleeve Eagle
NSKK Old Fighter Sleeve Eagle
Waffen SS Collar Tab 29th Italian Division
Waffen SS Collar Tab 29th Italian Division
Luftwaffe Flight Sleeve Rank Insignia
Luftwaffe Flight Sleeve Rank Insignia
Luftwaffe Administration Shoulder Boards
Luftwaffe Administration Shoulder Boards
German SA Sports Armband RZM Tagged
German SA Sports Armband RZM Tagged
KM Senior Ordnance Career Sleeve Rate
KM Senior Ordnance Career Sleeve Rate
Luftwaffe Cloth Cap Eagle
Luftwaffe Cloth Cap Eagle
Afrikakorps Cuff Title Reproduction
Afrikakorps Cuff Title Reproduction
NSKK Scharführer Rank Collar Tab
NSKK Scharführer Rank Collar Tab
WWII German Luftwaffe Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Luftwaffe Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Shoulder Board Pips
WWII German Shoulder Board Pips
WWII Insignia Tinnie Bag Lot
WWII Insignia Tinnie Bag Lot
Luftschutz Warndienst Cuff Title & Collar Tabs
Luftschutz Warndienst Cuff Title & Collar Tabs
WWII WH Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII WH Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII DAF Sports Shirt Insignia
WWII DAF Sports Shirt Insignia
WWII German SA Political Armband
WWII German SA Political Armband
German Coastal Artillery Breast Eagle
German Coastal Artillery Breast Eagle
WWII German Police Officer Collar Tabs
WWII German Police Officer Collar Tabs
Luftwaffe Flight Gefreiter Collar Tabs
Luftwaffe Flight Gefreiter Collar Tabs
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
SS Collar Tab  22nd Maria Theresia Div
SS Collar Tab 22nd Maria Theresia Div
Waffen SS Schütze Rank Collar Tab
Waffen SS Schütze Rank Collar Tab
Luftwaffe Medical Colonel Collar Tab Set
Luftwaffe Medical Colonel Collar Tab Set
German War Correspondent Collar Tabs
German War Correspondent Collar Tabs
German Infantry Officers Shoulder Board
German Infantry Officers Shoulder Board
German Officer Panzer Collar Tab
German Officer Panzer Collar Tab
Flieger 663 HJ Shoulder Boards Pair
Flieger 663 HJ Shoulder Boards Pair
German WH Breast Eagle Tunic Removed
German WH Breast Eagle Tunic Removed
HJ Hitler Youth Armband
HJ Hitler Youth Armband
SS Sleeve Eagle 1st Pattern
SS Sleeve Eagle 1st Pattern
HJ Hitler Youth Armband with RZM Tag
HJ Hitler Youth Armband with RZM Tag
German Deutsche Wehrmacht Armband
German Deutsche Wehrmacht Armband
German Artillery Captain Shoulder Board
German Artillery Captain Shoulder Board
WWII Pioneer Leutnant Shoulder Board
WWII Pioneer Leutnant Shoulder Board
WWII Infantry Major Shoulder Board
WWII Infantry Major Shoulder Board
Factory Uncut Swastika Flag Centers
Factory Uncut Swastika Flag Centers
HJ Hitler Youth Armband
HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII German SA Political Armband
WWII German SA Political Armband
German Deutsche Wehrmacht Armband
German Deutsche Wehrmacht Armband
German Panzer Cap Eagle
German Panzer Cap Eagle
German DAK Tropical Breast Eagle
German DAK Tropical Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Officer Breast Eagle
Luftwaffe Officer Breast Eagle
WWII SS Sleeve Eagle
WWII SS Sleeve Eagle
NSKK Sleeve Eagle
NSKK Sleeve Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German RLB Sleeve Eagle
WWII German RLB Sleeve Eagle
Hermann Goring Division Cap Eagle
Hermann Goring Division Cap Eagle
Infantry Oberleutnant Shoulder Boards
Infantry Oberleutnant Shoulder Boards
WWII SS Sleeve Eagle
WWII SS Sleeve Eagle
WWII German SA Political Armband
WWII German SA Political Armband
Osttürkischer Waffen SS Cuff Title
Osttürkischer Waffen SS Cuff Title
German Officer Artillery Collar Tab
German Officer Artillery Collar Tab
German Officer Artillery Collar Tab
German Officer Artillery Collar Tab
German Fire Police Collar Tab
German Fire Police Collar Tab
German Officer Fire Police Collar Tab
German Officer Fire Police Collar Tab
WWII German Infantry Rock Cuff Insignia
WWII German Infantry Rock Cuff Insignia
WWII German Infantry Shoulder Board NCO
WWII German Infantry Shoulder Board NCO
German 151st Infantry Shoulder Board
German 151st Infantry Shoulder Board
WWII NSKK Motor School Armband
WWII NSKK Motor School Armband
Luftwaffe Gefreiter Rank Chevron
Luftwaffe Gefreiter Rank Chevron
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WH German NCO Artillery Shoulder Boards
WH German NCO Artillery Shoulder Boards
Luftwaffe NCO Flight Shoulder Boards
Luftwaffe NCO Flight Shoulder Boards
Luftwaffe Enlisted Flight Shoulder Board
Luftwaffe Enlisted Flight Shoulder Board
Heer Shoulder Board Slide 11th Jaeger
Heer Shoulder Board Slide 11th Jaeger
Luftwaffe Flak Range Finder Trade Badge
Luftwaffe Flak Range Finder Trade Badge
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
HJ Hitler Youth Armband
HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German Infantry Officer Collar Tabs
WWII German Infantry Officer Collar Tabs
WWII German Medical Officer Collar Tabs
WWII German Medical Officer Collar Tabs
WWII German Signal Personnel Trade Badge
WWII German Signal Personnel Trade Badge
SS Oberfurher Camouflage Sleeve Rank
SS Oberfurher Camouflage Sleeve Rank
WWII German SS Edelweiss Patch
WWII German SS Edelweiss Patch
Luftwaffe Flight Hauptmann Collar Tabs
Luftwaffe Flight Hauptmann Collar Tabs
WWII German WH Breast Eagle
WWII German WH Breast Eagle
WWII German Stabsgefreiter Rank Patch
WWII German Stabsgefreiter Rank Patch
WWII SS Azerbaijan Volunteer Shield Pair
WWII SS Azerbaijan Volunteer Shield Pair
Beamter auf Kriegsdauer Shoulder Board
Beamter auf Kriegsdauer Shoulder Board
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII SA Sports Team Armband
WWII SA Sports Team Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
WWII HJ Hitler Youth Armband
German Patch Org Todt Collar Tab
German Patch Org Todt Collar Tab
SA EM Foot Soldier Shoulder Board
SA EM Foot Soldier Shoulder Board
WWII German SS Tropical Sleeve Eagle
WWII German SS Tropical Sleeve Eagle
WWII German Armband Wehrmacht Service
WWII German Armband Wehrmacht Service
WWII German SA Political Armband
WWII German SA Political Armband
German Shoulder Board Veterinary Cypher
German Shoulder Board Veterinary Cypher
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Army Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery Rate
German Officer Artillery Shoulder Boards
German Officer Artillery Shoulder Boards
German Officer Artillery Collar Tabs
German Officer Artillery Collar Tabs
German SS Medical Officer Diamond Badge
German SS Medical Officer Diamond Badge
WWII German Army Flat Wire Breast Eagle
WWII German Army Flat Wire Breast Eagle
WWII SS Sleeve Eagle
WWII SS Sleeve Eagle
WWII German Red Cross Medic Armband
WWII German Red Cross Medic Armband
WWII German Red Cross Medic Armband
WWII German Red Cross Medic Armband
WWII German Army Breast Eagle
WWII German Army Breast Eagle
WWII German Army Flat Wire Breast Eagle
WWII German Army Flat Wire Breast Eagle
WWII German Oberschutze Rank Insignia
WWII German Oberschutze Rank Insignia
WWII German Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Medical Rate Insignia
WWII German Medical Rate Insignia
WWII German Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Obergefreiter Rank Insignia
WWII German Collar Litzen
WWII German Collar Litzen
WWII German Camouflage Sleeve Rank
WWII German Camouflage Sleeve Rank
WWII German Panzer EM NCO Collar Tab
WWII German Panzer EM NCO Collar Tab
WWII Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery Rate
WWII Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery Rate
Luftwaffe NCO Signals Shoulder Boards
Luftwaffe NCO Signals Shoulder Boards
German Foot SA Enlisted Shoulder Board
German Foot SA Enlisted Shoulder Board
German Smoke Troops NCO Shoulder Board
German Smoke Troops NCO Shoulder Board
WWII German Infantry Officer Collar Tab
WWII German Infantry Officer Collar Tab
German Volksstrurm Wehrmacht Armband
German Volksstrurm Wehrmacht Armband
WWII German DAK Tropical Breast Eagle
WWII German DAK Tropical Breast Eagle
WWII German Fire Police Sleeve Eagle Gevelsberg
WWII German Fire Police Sleeve Eagle Gevelsberg
WWII Luftwaffee Lieutenant AA Collar Tab
WWII Luftwaffee Lieutenant AA Collar Tab
WWII Luftwaffee Flyer Reserve Collar Tab
WWII Luftwaffee Flyer Reserve Collar Tab
Marine Bann 663 HJ Shoulder Boards Pair
Marine Bann 663 HJ Shoulder Boards Pair
German Infantry Officers Shoulder Board
German Infantry Officers Shoulder Board
WWII German Luftwaffee G-L Insignia
WWII German Luftwaffee G-L Insignia
WWII German SS Medical Diamond Badge
WWII German SS Medical Diamond Badge
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Political Armband
WWII German Panzer Shoulder Board NCO
WWII German Panzer Shoulder Board NCO
WWII Jager Sleeve Badge Patch
WWII Jager Sleeve Badge Patch
HJ Hitler Youth Armband
HJ Hitler Youth Armband
SA Collar Tab 23
SA Collar Tab 23
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
WWII Kriegsmarine Breast Eagle
German Fire Police Eagle Patch
German Fire Police Eagle Patch
German Fire Police Eagle Banteln
German Fire Police Eagle Banteln
RBD Saarbrucken Rail Police Eagle
RBD Saarbrucken Rail Police Eagle
NSKK Sleeve Eagle
NSKK Sleeve Eagle
Reichsbahn Collar Tab Officer
Reichsbahn Collar Tab Officer
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII Patch German Luftwaffe Breast Eagle
WWII German State Service Armband
WWII German State Service Armband
WWII German Edelweiss Patch
WWII German Edelweiss Patch
Hermann Goering Division Cap Eagle
Hermann Goering Division Cap Eagle
WWII Panzer Officer Breast Eagle
WWII Panzer Officer Breast Eagle
Reichsbahn Bevo Collar Tab Enlisted
Reichsbahn Bevo Collar Tab Enlisted
WWII SS Ukrainian Volunteer Shield
WWII SS Ukrainian Volunteer Shield
WWII SS Azerbaijan Volunteer Shield
WWII SS Azerbaijan Volunteer Shield
WWII SS Georgia Volunteer Shield
WWII SS Georgia Volunteer Shield
WWII SS POA Volunteer Shield
WWII SS POA Volunteer Shield
WWII German Sleeve Maintenance Badge
WWII German Sleeve Maintenance Badge
WWII German Radio Opperator Rate
WWII German Radio Opperator Rate
WWII German TeNo Collar Tab
WWII German TeNo Collar Tab
Obergemeinschaftsleiter Gau Collar Tab
Obergemeinschaftsleiter Gau Collar Tab
Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
Luftwaffe Sports Shirt Eagle
WWII German Radio Opperator Rate
WWII German Radio Opperator Rate
WWII German Radio Opperator Patch
WWII German Radio Opperator Patch
WWII German Farrier Rate Patch
WWII German Farrier Rate Patch
WWII Sleeve Rate Ordnance
WWII Sleeve Rate Ordnance
WWII Jager Sleeve Badge Patch
WWII Jager Sleeve Badge Patch
LW Observer Badge Cloth
LW Observer Badge Cloth
SA Sleave Diamond
SA Sleave Diamond
WWII German WH Breast Eagle
WWII German WH Breast Eagle