Items For SALE -- Patches and embroidered cloth insignia

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WWI Corporal Rank Patch
WWI Corporal Rank Patch
WWI 79th Infantry Division Patch Cross of Lorraine
WWI 79th Infantry Division Patch Cross of Lorraine
WWI era Liberty Loan Patch 26th Infantry Division
WWI era Liberty Loan Patch 26th Infantry Division
Post WWI era Patch 79th Infantry Division
Post WWI era Patch 79th Infantry Division
WWI Type 10th Infantry Division Patch King Copy
WWI Type 10th Infantry Division Patch King Copy
WWI Type 93rd Infantry Division Patch King
WWI Type 93rd Infantry Division Patch King
WWI 79th Infantry Division Patch Cross of Lorraine
WWI 79th Infantry Division Patch Cross of Lorraine
Unauthorized Army 1930's PFC Rank Insignia Pair
Unauthorized Army 1930's PFC Rank Insignia Pair
WWI 33rd Infantry Division Patch
WWI 33rd Infantry Division Patch
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch Reverse Eagle
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch Reverse Eagle
WWI Artillery Rate Patch
WWI Artillery Rate Patch
WWI US 411th Aero Squadron Insignia
WWI US 411th Aero Squadron Insignia
WWI Corporal Rank Patch
WWI Corporal Rank Patch
WWI era Patch 79th Infantry Division
WWI era Patch 79th Infantry Division
Pre WWI era Army Baker Cook Rate Patch
Pre WWI era Army Baker Cook Rate Patch
WWI Advance Section Service Supply Patch
WWI Advance Section Service Supply Patch
WWI Patch 35th Division 110th Ammunition Train
WWI Patch 35th Division 110th Ammunition Train
WWI Wagoner Rate Patch
WWI Wagoner Rate Patch
WWI Artillery Rate Patch
WWI Artillery Rate Patch
WWI Signal Rate Patch
WWI Signal Rate Patch
WWI Discharge Service Stripe Patch
WWI Discharge Service Stripe Patch
WWI Corporal Rank Patch
WWI Corporal Rank Patch
WWI Signals Rate Patch
WWI Signals Rate Patch
WWI Medical Master Hospital Sergeant Rank Chevron
WWI Medical Master Hospital Sergeant Rank Chevron
WWI Medical Rank Rate Patch
WWI Medical Rank Rate Patch
WWI Medical Rate Patch
WWI Medical Rate Patch
WWI 79th Infantry Division Patch Cross of Lorraine
WWI 79th Infantry Division Patch Cross of Lorraine
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Sergeant Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Sergeant Rate Patch
WWI Corporal Rank Patch
WWI Corporal Rank Patch
WWI Corporal Rank Patch
WWI Corporal Rank Patch
WWI 79th Infantry Division Patch Cross of Lorraine
WWI 79th Infantry Division Patch Cross of Lorraine
WWI 79th Infantry Division Patch Cross of Lorraine
WWI 79th Infantry Division Patch Cross of Lorraine
WWI 79th Infantry Division Patch Cross of Lorraine
WWI 79th Infantry Division Patch Cross of Lorraine
Advance Section Service Supply Patch
Advance Section Service Supply Patch
WWI Medical Master Hospital Sergeant Rank Chevron
WWI Medical Master Hospital Sergeant Rank Chevron
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch
WWI Signal Rate Patch
WWI Signal Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch
WWI Artillery Rate Patch
WWI Artillery Rate Patch
Unauthorized 1930's PFC Rank Insignia
Unauthorized 1930's PFC Rank Insignia
WWI Rate Coastal Artillery Corp Engineer
WWI Rate Coastal Artillery Corp Engineer
WWI Quartermaster Corporal Rate Patch Pair
WWI Quartermaster Corporal Rate Patch Pair
WWI Discharge Service Stripe Patch
WWI Discharge Service Stripe Patch
WWI Discharge Service Stripe Patch
WWI Discharge Service Stripe Patch
WWI Mechanic Sleeve Rate Patch
WWI Mechanic Sleeve Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Corporal Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Corporal Rate Patch
WWI Sergeants Rank Patch
WWI Sergeants Rank Patch
WWI Signal Rate Patch
WWI Signal Rate Patch
WWI 3rd Army Patch
WWI 3rd Army Patch
WWI Sergeants Rank Patch
WWI Sergeants Rank Patch
WWI Quartermaster Corporal Patch Lot of 20
WWI Quartermaster Corporal Patch Lot of 20
WWI Signal Rate Patch
WWI Signal Rate Patch
WWI 84th Division Patch
WWI 84th Division Patch
WWI Coastal Artillery Patch
WWI Coastal Artillery Patch
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch
WWI Quartermaster Rate Patch
WWI 2nd Aviation Field Patch
WWI 2nd Aviation Field Patch