Items For SALE -- Patches from the Vietnam War Period

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USAF Rank & Rate Insignia Patch Lot
USAF Rank & Rate Insignia Patch Lot
Patch 82nd Airborne Support Command
Patch 82nd Airborne Support Command
Pocket Patch 12th Infantry Regiment Regiment
Pocket Patch 12th Infantry Regiment Regiment
Recondo Patch 18th Infantry Airborne
Recondo Patch 18th Infantry Airborne
MAAG Patch Military Assistance Advisory Group
MAAG Patch Military Assistance Advisory Group
US Army 18th Field Artillery Regiment Pocket Patch
US Army 18th Field Artillery Regiment Pocket Patch
Navy USS Pueblo Ships Rocker Patch
Navy USS Pueblo Ships Rocker Patch
Patch 17th Airborne Infantry Division 1960's
Patch 17th Airborne Infantry Division 1960's
Patch 17th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron
Patch 17th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron
US Arny 176th Regimental Combat Team Patch
US Arny 176th Regimental Combat Team Patch
USMC Marine Corps PX EGA Pocket Patch
USMC Marine Corps PX EGA Pocket Patch
USMC Marine Corps PX EGA Pocket Patch
USMC Marine Corps PX EGA Pocket Patch
USMC Marine Corps PX EGA Pocket Patch
USMC Marine Corps PX EGA Pocket Patch
US Army Uniform Tape Theater Made
US Army Uniform Tape Theater Made
US Army Uniform Tape Theater Made Pair
US Army Uniform Tape Theater Made Pair
 Vietnam era 1st Pattern Twill 173rd Brigade Patch
Vietnam era 1st Pattern Twill 173rd Brigade Patch
Patch ARVN Special Forces LLDB Luc Luong Dac Biet
Patch ARVN Special Forces LLDB Luc Luong Dac Biet
Patch 191st Infantry Brigade
Patch 191st Infantry Brigade
US Army Patch 40th Armored Grizzly Tab
US Army Patch 40th Armored Grizzly Tab
US Air Force Uniform Tape Theater Made
US Air Force Uniform Tape Theater Made
Patch Mike Force Airborne Vietnam Theater Made
Patch Mike Force Airborne Vietnam Theater Made
Pocket Patch 71st Infantry Regiment American Guard
Pocket Patch 71st Infantry Regiment American Guard
US Army Uniform Name Tape Theater Made HBT
US Army Uniform Name Tape Theater Made HBT
ACR 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment Pocket Patch
ACR 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment Pocket Patch
Honor Guard 6th Army Patch
Honor Guard 6th Army Patch
US 101st Cavalry Regiment Pocket Patch Vietnam Era
US 101st Cavalry Regiment Pocket Patch Vietnam Era
US 101st Cavalry Regiment Pocket Patch Vietnam Era
US 101st Cavalry Regiment Pocket Patch Vietnam Era
Patch ARVN Paratrooper Jump Wing Theater Made
Patch ARVN Paratrooper Jump Wing Theater Made
Pocket Patch 130th Field Artillery Regiment
Pocket Patch 130th Field Artillery Regiment
Patch Transient Maintenance Nellis AFB
Patch Transient Maintenance Nellis AFB
USN Navy Mine Group One Patch
USN Navy Mine Group One Patch
US Civilian Technician Patch
US Civilian Technician Patch
USAF Flight Examiner Arc Tab Patch
USAF Flight Examiner Arc Tab Patch
Patch ARVN 31st Special Forces Battalion Vietnam
Patch ARVN 31st Special Forces Battalion Vietnam
Patch ARVN 77th Special Forces Battalion Vietnam
Patch ARVN 77th Special Forces Battalion Vietnam
Patch ARVN Special Forces Battalion Vietnam
Patch ARVN Special Forces Battalion Vietnam
Patch 45th Surgical Hospital MUST Theater Made
Patch 45th Surgical Hospital MUST Theater Made
Patch Beret Arc Tab Vietnam 1967
Patch Beret Arc Tab Vietnam 1967
Patch ARVN Recon Forces Theater Made
Patch ARVN Recon Forces Theater Made
Free World Military Forces Pocket Hanger Patch
Free World Military Forces Pocket Hanger Patch
USA Vietnam Patch Early Subdued
USA Vietnam Patch Early Subdued
DI DUI Crest Army 2nd Engineer Battalion
DI DUI Crest Army 2nd Engineer Battalion
DI DUI Crest 315th Engineer Battalion Screw Back
DI DUI Crest 315th Engineer Battalion Screw Back
Helmet Transfer Decal Transportation Corp1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal Transportation Corp1960's
Helmet Decal Quartermaster Center School 1960's
Helmet Decal Quartermaster Center School 1960's
USAF Fire Protection Badge
USAF Fire Protection Badge
Helmet Transfer Decal 5th Army Corps 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 5th Army Corps 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 14th Army Corps 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 14th Army Corps 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 6th Army Corps 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 6th Army Corps 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 4th Army 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 4th Army 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 5th Army 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 5th Army 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 7th Army 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 7th Army 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 25th Infantry Division 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal 25th Infantry Division 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal 27th Armored Division 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 27th Armored Division 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 1st Infantry Division 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 1st Infantry Division 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 34th Infantry Division 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal 34th Infantry Division 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal 35th Infantry Division 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal 35th Infantry Division 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal 99th Infantry Division 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal 99th Infantry Division 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal 16th Corps 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 16th Corps 1960's
Helmet Transfer Decal 24th Infantry Division 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal 24th Infantry Division 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal Army Service Forces 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal Army Service Forces 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal Hawaiian Department 1960s
Helmet Transfer Decal Hawaiian Department 1960s
Helmet Decal 152nd Tactical Control Group 1960s
Helmet Decal 152nd Tactical Control Group 1960s
Pocket Patch US Army 7th Field Artillery Regiment
Pocket Patch US Army 7th Field Artillery Regiment
USMC Female Master Private Rank Set
USMC Female Master Private Rank Set
Patch USA Vietnam Theater Made
Patch USA Vietnam Theater Made
Patch 9th Infantry Division Vietnam era Twill
Patch 9th Infantry Division Vietnam era Twill
USA Vietnam Patch Theater Made
USA Vietnam Patch Theater Made
Patch 1st Logistic Command Theater Made
Patch 1st Logistic Command Theater Made
US Army Master Paratrooper Jump Wing Patch
US Army Master Paratrooper Jump Wing Patch
Tour Jacket Name Tag
Tour Jacket Name Tag
USA Vietnam Patch Subdued Theater Made
USA Vietnam Patch Subdued Theater Made
Patch 1st Logistic Command Theater Made
Patch 1st Logistic Command Theater Made
Vietnam 18th MP Brigade Patch Subdued Theater Made
Vietnam 18th MP Brigade Patch Subdued Theater Made
Vietnam 44th Medical Brigade Patch Theater Made
Vietnam 44th Medical Brigade Patch Theater Made
US CAP Civil Air Patrol Cadet Patch Tape
US CAP Civil Air Patrol Cadet Patch Tape
Patch Solant Amity US Navy Marine Corps
Patch Solant Amity US Navy Marine Corps
US Army Colorado National Guard Patch
US Army Colorado National Guard Patch
Patch MP Military Police Center School
Patch MP Military Police Center School
Free World Military Forces Pocket Patch Vietnam
Free World Military Forces Pocket Patch Vietnam
Transportation Center & School Patch
Transportation Center & School Patch
Early Subdued 18th Engineer Brigade Patch
Early Subdued 18th Engineer Brigade Patch
US Army Tape Bevo Style
US Army Tape Bevo Style
USAF Air Force Patch Library Service
USAF Air Force Patch Library Service
USAF AFROTC Maryland 133rd 330th ROTC Patch
USAF AFROTC Maryland 133rd 330th ROTC Patch
Vietnam Era 8th Army Patch Theater Made
Vietnam Era 8th Army Patch Theater Made
Patch Tape Jumpmaster
Patch Tape Jumpmaster
Patch Tab Reserve
Patch Tab Reserve
Patch USMA US Military Academy
Patch USMA US Military Academy
Patch 33rd Infantry Panama on Card
Patch 33rd Infantry Panama on Card
Vietnam era Patch 26th Infantry Division
Vietnam era Patch 26th Infantry Division
Patch Scroll 18th Honor Guard Infantry Rocker
Patch Scroll 18th Honor Guard Infantry Rocker
European Command Berlin District Patch
European Command Berlin District Patch
USAF Fire Protection Badge Patch
USAF Fire Protection Badge Patch
USAF Fire Protection Badge Patch
USAF Fire Protection Badge Patch
US Army 69th Infantry Brigade Patch
US Army 69th Infantry Brigade Patch
Coast Guard Auxiliary Patch Badge
Coast Guard Auxiliary Patch Badge
Judo Karate Team Germany Patch
Judo Karate Team Germany Patch
Vietnam Era Japan Tour Jacket Patch
Vietnam Era Japan Tour Jacket Patch
USAF Uniform Tape Patch Used
USAF Uniform Tape Patch Used
US Army 1st Logistic Command Patch
US Army 1st Logistic Command Patch
US Army Washington National Guard Patch
US Army Washington National Guard Patch
US Patch Washington Military District
US Patch Washington Military District
Civil Air Patrol Tape Patch
Civil Air Patrol Tape Patch
USMC Female Rank Set Gunnery Sergeant
USMC Female Rank Set Gunnery Sergeant
Vietnam Era 8th Army Subdued Patch
Vietnam Era 8th Army Subdued Patch
US Army Uniform Tape Early Vietnam Era
US Army Uniform Tape Early Vietnam Era
US Army Uniform Tape Early Vietnam Era
US Army Uniform Tape Early Vietnam Era
Vietnam Era 25th Infantry Division Patch
Vietnam Era 25th Infantry Division Patch
US Army Vermont National Guard Patch
US Army Vermont National Guard Patch
Patch Tab Counter Guerrilla Raider
Patch Tab Counter Guerrilla Raider
USA Vietnam Patch Subdued Theater Made
USA Vietnam Patch Subdued Theater Made
Patch 11th Air Assault
Patch 11th Air Assault
US Army 3rd Corps Bullion Patch
US Army 3rd Corps Bullion Patch
US Military Assistance Command MACV Vietnam Patch
US Military Assistance Command MACV Vietnam Patch
Special Forces Patch & Rocker
Special Forces Patch & Rocker
US Army Patch 1st Aviation Bde
US Army Patch 1st Aviation Bde
Patch 1st Signal Bde Subdued
Patch 1st Signal Bde Subdued
Patch 312th Logistic Command
Patch 312th Logistic Command
USAF Air Force Uniform Tape Patch
USAF Air Force Uniform Tape Patch
US 2nd Army Patch
US 2nd Army Patch
US Army Anti-Aircraft Artillery Command Patch
US Army Anti-Aircraft Artillery Command Patch
US Army Kagnew Station Patch
US Army Kagnew Station Patch
Combat Developments Command Patch
Combat Developments Command Patch
US Army Material Command Patch
US Army Material Command Patch
US Army 1st Logistic Command Patch
US Army 1st Logistic Command Patch
Patch 38th Air Defence Artillery Brigade
Patch 38th Air Defence Artillery Brigade
US Army SETAF Patch
US Army SETAF Patch
Vietnam era Air Defense Command Patch
Vietnam era Air Defense Command Patch
Patch 1st Army Commanders Matches
Patch 1st Army Commanders Matches
Vietnam Military Assistance Command MACV Patch
Vietnam Military Assistance Command MACV Patch
USA Vietnam Patch
USA Vietnam Patch
US Army Uniform Tape Early Vietnam Era
US Army Uniform Tape Early Vietnam Era
Patch 1st Field Force Vietnam
Patch 1st Field Force Vietnam
Patch 2nd Field Force Vietnam
Patch 2nd Field Force Vietnam
US Military Assistance Command MACV Vietnam Patch
US Military Assistance Command MACV Vietnam Patch
USS Baxar Ship Patch Tab
USS Baxar Ship Patch Tab